Explains creating custom segments in Accoil Analytics for targeted analysis, using rules based on events, traits, and scores.
How this helps
Allows users to tailor engagement analysis to specific groups, improving strategic decisions and personalization efforts.
Accoil Analytics offers suggested segments, yet the power lies in creating tailored segments that reflect the unique aspects of your account and users. These custom segments can be based on a variety of criteria including user actions (events), characteristics (traits), and their engagement scores.
Here’s how to get started:
Step 1: Navigate to Your User or Account tabs
Select your nominated Profile
Create custom
segments under their respective tabs on the side navigation bar.Click the "Select Segment button" , find the "Add segment" option on the dropdown.
Click the "Add Segment" button to initiate a new custom segment.
Step 2: Define Your Segment Criteria
You'll be presented with a rule-setting interface where you can define the criteria for your segment.
Criteria can be based on:
Events | Specify if users performed (or did not perform) certain actions, how frequently, and within which timeframe (up to 90 days). |
Account Traits | Filter users by specific characteristics, such as the presence or absence of a trait, or by their signup date. |
Score based filter | Filter by defined score |
Trend of score | Gives indication of whether scores have increased or decreased in a specific time period (last scoring period, vs 1/7/30 days ago) |
Signed up date | Indicates who has signed up within a certain time frame |
Last active | Define segments by user or account activity, such as the last time a user engaged with a scored event. |
Activation Rate | Define by activation rate |
Frequency based | Filter by 30 day range |
No of Users | Ability to define by active or total user using text or numeric values ranges or values |
Example: Engaged New Users
To create a segment for new users who have been highly engaged in the past 30 days, you might set up rules like:
Signed Up: Within the last 30 days.
Events: Performed the 'Completed Onboarding' event.
Score based: Engagement score above 75.
Last Active: User was active in the last 7 days.
Step 3: Save and Analyze Your Segment
After setting your rules:
Name your segment for easy identification (e.g., "Sales Team reach out candidates")
Save your segment. It will now appear on your Segment Dashboard.
Utilize the dashboard to compare the average scores and behaviors of users within this segment against others, gaining insights into their engagement patterns.