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Triggers for Automations
Triggers for Automations

Various triggers available for Accoil automations, including score changes and new user alerts, and how to add specific filters

Simon Herd avatar
Written by Simon Herd
Updated over a month ago


Outlines the various triggers available for Accoil automation, including score changes and new user alerts, and how to add specific filters to these triggers.

How this helps

Provides flexibility in creating targeted workflows based on engagement data, enhancing operational responsiveness.

All Accoil Automations (including Slack Alerts) work from the same list of potential Triggers. A trigger is essentially the conditions from which you would like any Workflow to start.

Accoil Automation Trigger

Step 1: Go to Automations Tab and create an Automation

​Step 2: Name your rule and nominate your profile

Step 3: Configure your trigger

There are currently 5 types of triggers you can use for your Automation rule.
You can select one of the following:

Score changes

This allows you to create an alert for whenever a user or account's Accoil Analytics score changes by any amount you choose. Great for staying on top of risk threats or expansion opportunities.

New users

Get alerted when a new account is created or when a new user is added to an existing account.

Activation changes

Alert your team when any user or account's Activation rate rises above a certain level. Great way to help your sales team focus on the trials that are actively using the product.

Entering a Segment

This allows you to be alerted whenever any user or account enters any of the segments created in your account (whether Accoil Analytics's suggested segments or custom segments you've created).

Custom alert:

Create an alert that alerts you whenever any user or account meets any specific criteria you choose.

Adding a filter to a Trigger

You can make any trigger even more specific by adding a filter.

For example, if you only want to trigger a specific Workflow for accounts above a specific MRR; or from accounts that signed up in the last 30 days; or any other criteria, you can do that by adding a condition to the trigger:

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